The Halong Bay weather in August is mostly hot and wet; visitors can expect high temperatures and frequent rain showers.
If you have been considering visiting Halong Bay in August, this article will tell you everything you need to know weather-wise about visiting during this time of year. We’ll also help you evaluate the pros and cons of traveling to Halong in August, as well as providing you with some top tips for when you do decide to visit.
If you need any further information about the annual weather cycles in Halong Bay, be sure to visit our previous blog post about what to expect from Halong Bay weather throughout the year.
What to Expect from Halong Bay Weather in August
The Halong Bay weather in August sees temperatures regularly soar in excess of 30 degrees. The average recorded temperatures hover around 29 degrees, and it’s exceedingly rare for it to drop below 25 degrees overall.
The hot weather is ideal for taking a dip in the cooling water; we recommend swimming at any of the cruises’ beach stops, or taking out some snorkeling gear or a kayak.
The Halong Bay weather in August brings just 6 hours of bright sunshine each day, which is the lowest levels of the year. Other months of the year tend to bring closer to seven or eight hours of bright sunshine each day.
The low sunshine levels and frequent rain is a common reason that fewer tourists visit Halong Bay at this time of year.
The average air humidity in August is around 75%, but it can feel much heavier than this due to the frequent rains followed by spells of sunshine where the water is evaporating off the land.
August is by far the wettest month of the year, with an average rainfall of 265mm over 16 days. This is a huge increase from even just the month before. Due to the poor weather conditions that often hit Halong Bay in August, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the forecast before you leave for Halong.
Pros and Cons of Visiting Halong Bay in August
- The warm Halong Bay weather in August is great for enjoying water activities like swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, and kayaking.
- August is part of Halong Bay’s low season, so there are usually fewer tourists at this time of year. Visitors can often avail of great discounts because of this.
- The frequent rains are much more likely to affect your cruising experience at this time of year. Although cruises can still operate in the rain, it’s not as pleasant- especially when it means your ability to enjoy outdoor activities will be limited.
- The intense August heat isn’t suitable for all travelers.
Top Tips for Travelers to Halong Bay in August
- The hot Halong Bay weather in August will call for light, comfortable clothing only- don’t bother with the heavier clothes.
- It’s best to bring some sort of light rain jacket in case you get caught in a shower when you’re out off the boat.
- Bring a swimsuit so you can enjoy taking a dip in the water.
- Don’t forget sunscreen! When the sun comes out the rays are quite strong.
- If you need more packing advice, make sure to check out our expert Halong Bay packing guide for more inspiration.
- Keep an eye on the weather forecast, and if it looks like storms are on the way then we highly recommend that you contact your cruise director to find out if the trip will be going ahead.
Grab all these infos into this picture below:
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