Halong Bay Weather in September

The Halong Bay weather in September is characterised by high temperatures and frequent rain showers, which is representative of the tail-end of the summer season.

If you’ve been wondering whether or not to travel to Halong Bay in September, this article should be all you need to point you in the right direction. We’ll share with you detailed stats of the patterns for the Halong Bay weather in September; we’ll also help you evaluate the pros and cons of traveling at this time of year. We’ll also let you in on our insider tips for when you do finally decide to make the trip.

If you require any further information about the Halong Bay weather, head on over to our other post about what to expect from the Halong Bay weather throughout the year.

What to Expect from Halong Bay Weather in September


It may be the end of summer, but temperatures are still staying high in September, with averages of 28 degrees. This is the second highest temperature of the year, along with May which also has averages of 28. Visitors can expect highs well over 30 degrees, but it’ll almost never drop below 24 degrees or so.


Although the sunlight levels don’t tend to fluctuate too much at this time of year, September is, if anything, at the slightly lower end of the spectrum with an average of 7 hours of bright sunlight each day.


The average humidity levels for the Halong Bay weather in September is around 72%. This represents a slight dip from the intense humidity of the mid-summer months.

As we move away from summer the humidity levels will tend to drop even further, making outdoor activities a bit more enjoyable.


Halong Bay will just be getting over the very heavy August rains, but September brings plenty of rainfall of its own, too. In September, visitors can expect 190mm of rain over 19 days, which is still relatively high.

During September, Halong Bay is still sometimes prone to typhoons. It’s important to check the forecast before you go.

Pros and Cons of Visiting Halong Bay in September


  • The warm Halong Bay weather in September is ideal for enjoying activities in the water, like swimming, snorkeling, or kayaking.
  • The rain is easing off slightly from the very heavy August rains.
  • September sits on the end of Halong Bay’s low season, so there are usually slightly fewer tourists visiting at this time.


  • The frequent rainfall still poses something of a risk to your cruise booking. Although cruises can still operate during a rainfall, stormy weather can interfere with a cruise going ahead.
  • The weather is still quite hot, and may be unsuitable for certain travelers.

Top Tips for Travelers to Halong Bay in September

  • Just pack light, breathable clothes- don’t bother with the heavy sweaters.
  • Bring a swimsuit with you so you can enjoy some time in the water.
  • Don’t forget sunscreen; when the sun comes out it is pretty strong.
  • If you need more inspiration for what to pack, check out our guide for what to pack for your Halong Bay trip.
  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast, and if it looks like storms are headed for the bay we highly recommend you make contact with your cruise operator in advance to confirm the trip will go ahead.

Let’s scroll down slowly and review:

halnog bay weather in september infographic

Ready to book your cruise to Halong Bay? Head on over to our booking platform to see the available cruises on your chosen dates.

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