Get a free checklist

Prepare for your trip to Halong & Lan Ha Bay or anywhere in Vietnam!

What to prepare before traveling to Halong, Lan Ha Bay – Vietnam?

Here are the top 10 things you need to prepare (with images) before going to one of the world’s most famous destinations! After downloading this Checklist, you can:

  • Avoid forgetting important stuff
  • Know exactly what to bring to your trip

So be sure to check it out!

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Our list is taken from surveys
answered by hundreds of our customers

They made the mistakes, so you don’t have to.

Thanks to the checklist, I bought the adapter for my charger on my way to Ha Long… Best decision ever! Couldn’t really imagine my life without my phone!!

– Mark Steven

I can’t believe I forgot to bring bug spray. Funny how I go with my fiancé but I’m the only one attracting insects!

– James Morrison